We’re so glad you stopped by!
Thank you for taking the time to learn about us. We hope to have the privilege of learning about you in the coming days.
Our purpose
Everett Assembly of God is a congregation of caring people prayerfully seeking to further the kingdom of God by providing a loving environment for the family and empowering individuals to reach their God-given potential through the love and salvation found in Jesus Christ.
Everyone is welcome
Everyone is welcome no matter what your background is. Our desire is to help you reach your destiny, the one uniquely created by God just for you. If you don’t have a relationship with Christ, we would love to help you understand the
message of salvation and accept this free gift. Coming into relationship with God through Jesus Christ will revolutionize your life.
We trust this page will get you somewhat acclimated. Be sure to check other pages on our website as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at 814-652-6917. Janet, our administrative assistant, will be glad to assist you or direct you to someone who can help you. To meet team leaders, see our Meet the Team page. BE BLESSED!
About our Pastor

Pastor John was raised in a pastor’s home and received Jesus as Savior at age 14. Even at this young age, he desired to see Christians grow and change. He felt a call to ministry but resisted the call because he saw how challenging pastoring could be. He remained serious about his walk with the Lord and active in serving in various capacities in the church. He met and married Bonnie, and they continued to work in their local church. Early in their marriage they searched for that “right” job, but nothing seemed to fit. Then through a simple conversation with their youth pastor, the Lord spoke to them and the call to ministry was rekindled. They spent one year at the University of Valley Forge and the remaining three years at Central Bible College in Springfield, MO. After pastoring several years, Pastor John completed a Master of Divinity. Together, they count it a happy privilege to serve the Lord and extend a heartfelt WELCOME TO YOU to worship with them!
What to Expect
If this is your first time visiting a Pentecostal church, you may have questions.
We are a warm and loving group that values God’s Word and His Presence. Salvation by the blood of Jesus, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, healing and other manifestations including deliverance, and the second coming of Christ are all important beliefs that we hold. We offer something for every age and ways to connect at various levels. Here you can be both challenged and uplifted through anointed teaching and preaching.
What can you expect from a service? Let’s look at Sunday morning as an example.
From 7:00 – 8:30 AM, the church is open for prayer, but there is no childcare at this time. For this prayer time, the sanctuary is dimmed and the music is loud enough to help people worship freely. If you prefer no music, you are welcome to pray in the library or fellowship hall. At 9:30 we have Sunday School for all ages.
Our morning worship service starts at 10:30. If you have children ages infant through kindergarten, care is provided for them. Older children worship together in the sanctuary with their families but are dismissed for Children’s Church prior to the sermon. If you prefer, your child can remain in the sanctuary with you.
Our worship is a mix of mostly contemporary music with a splash of traditional hymns. You may see people with their hands raised and possibly even dancing. You may also hear heartfelt verbal praise to the Lord. Freedom of worship is welcomed. The gifts of the Holy Spirit talked about in 1 Corinthians 12:1-12 are also welcomed.
There will be some announcements so you know what events are coming up. An offering is taken, but you don’t need to feel obligated to give. We believe in preaching the whole Word of God and in making application to that Word, and the sermon is central to our gathering. There may be times of prayer at your seats or up front, but you are not expected to go up front just because someone sitting next to you does. Our hope is that you will hear the Spirit of God speaking to you and that you will respond as the Spirit leads you.
Come as you are.
Our attire is varied, with everything from jeans to suits, so dress in the way that you feel most comfortable.
Skeptic or seeker, unbeliever or believer, broken or whole, rich or poor, we welcome you to come as you are. We trust you will be blessed and that you will come to know the Lord better by having worshiped with us. God bless you! May you experience the love of Jesus Christ here!
Check out a sermon by Pastor John
Speaking Power Into Your Life