
Home Groups

Why go to a HomeGroup?

There are two main reasons:

First, a small group environment is helpful to study the Bible and discuss spiritual and life issues.
Second, a small group provides an opportunity to meet and connect with a more manageable number of people than you might meet at a Sunday service. That means there is a chance to get to know a group of people well and be able to support and encourage them and be supported and encouraged yourself.

What is a HomeGroup?

A HomeGroup is a small group of people who meet regularly at someone’s home.

These groups provide the opportunity to read and discuss the Bible together, to pray together and to get to know one another in a relaxed atmosphere over a light supper.

Where do we meet?

Various HomeGroup members take turns hosting our meeting each month. Watch the bulletin and calendar for dates and locations.  Each meeting starts at 5:00 p.m. with dinner.

What do we study?

Our current study is “The Cost of Control” by Sharon Hodde Miller.

Who can I contact for more information?

You can reach out to the HomeGroup leader, Sidney Clark, at sclark013@gmail.com.

HomeGroup Study & Fellowship