Thank you for supporting the ministries of Everett Assembly of God
Our world is in need. Your decision to give can leave an eternal mark. Your gift will enable us to equip not only the ministries in our local church, but also in our community and worldwide.
Listen: Money – a Theological Problem, by Pastor John.
General Fund: The tithe goes into the general fund for the ongoing mission of the church. It provides funding for all ministry operations and services. (Malachi 3:10)
Offerings: Offerings beyond the tithe are welcome if you have a particular ministry or project you would like to give to. We also take special offerings occasionally for visiting guests and special needs.
Missions: Our church supports local, state and global missions efforts. We have a special missions emphasis in October and opportunity is provided to make a pledge to give weekly, monthly or annually. The fourth Sunday of every month is our designated Missions Sunday, but you may give at any time.
Giving is scriptural
Abel brought an offering to the Lord, Abraham paid Melchizedek a tithe, and Jacob vowed to give God a tenth of all God gave him. These incidents occurred long before the law was instituted. Then, under the Mosaic Law tithing was a direct command. Finally, in the New Testament, although no longer under law, giving continued to be practiced and was heavily emphasized.
1 Corinthians 16:2 is a good standard to follow: “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income.” Here we see that we should personally give on a regular basis and that this giving is proportionate (equal sacrifice, not equal giving). Billy Graham speaks of his habit of giving: “We have found in our own home…that God’s blessing upon the nine-tenths, when we tithe, helps it to go farther than ten-tenths without His blessing.”
Develop the habit of giving.
Let the Lord develop in you a habit of giving out of a heart for giving. May it go beyond a calculative fixation or a worrisome rule. Take this important step!
Giving reflects our priorities
Matthew 6:21 says “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” What demands our time, what occupies our thoughts, where we spend our money, where we go and what we do, reflect our real priorities. Although deep inside we think we treasure Christ, when the rubber meets the road and life happens and busy schedules dictate, what we actually end up doing – the way we respond to these pressures – may be the real litmus test of where our treasure is.
How we view money is one of the most revealing tests of where our treasure is. Our view of money drives both major and minor decisions. Our fear of lack reveals how little we trust God. Our greed reveals misplaced values. Our neglect of the needy reveals our lack of love. Our envy of someone who has more than we do reveals confusion over our own destiny.
Giving is so freeing!
It opens our hand, makes us trust in the Lord, and gives us Kingdom perspective. We need to give for our own sakes, not just for the work of the Lord!
Online Account
In the Giving Form above, if you select Sign In, you will be directed to either sign in or create an online account. Having an account provides you with a safe, secure way to give to the ministries of Everett Assembly of God. In addition, you can view giving history and tax statements.
Online Without an Account
If you would like to give online without opening an account, simply complete the Giving Form above and hit Submit. This is a simple and convenient way for you to make your donations to Everett Assembly of God.
At Church or By Mail
Giving envelopes are available in a rack on the back wall of the sanctuary if you want credit.
Everett Assembly of God
161 Blackstone Road
Everett, PA 15537